Aromatherapy - Essential Oil Massage on a Table
Aromatherapy - Essential Oil Massage on a Table
Prerequisite: None
For Massage Therapists and absolute beginners and fans of massage.
This kind of massage is perfect for everyone to improve the immune system (by lymph movement that filters waste to improve white blood cells fighting against bacteria), reduce stress (by reducing the level of cortisol in your body), making you happier (by increasing endorphin, the happy hormone) and attacking insomnia (the massage balances your mood through the impact on the endocrine system).
Learn how to use different aromas / traditional essential oils for health.
Learn a protocol of 1-1,5 hour oil-massage with essential oils on a table.
Helpful for chronic aches and pains and contracted areas such as stiff neck and upper back, low back pain, leg muscle tightness, and sore shoulders.
For relaxation or energizing, deblock meridians, dry skin and much more.
Costs € 590,-
Thai Hand Berlin Level I & Level II certification students have discount and pay only € 490,- (incl: didactic materials, tuition, international certification)
Certificates for students
Upon successful completion of the courses, students receive certificates for their courses.
Because we believe practice makes perfect:
Our learning guarantee allows students to repeat their courses completely free of charge!
>>> For our courses BOOK HERE <<<
International Training Massage School and Thai Hand Yoga Center Berlin is a traditional health center that offers professional courses, classes, workshops, treatments and retreats. Students receive internationally recognized certifications. ITM Thai Hand is internationally accredited and also located in Amsterdam and Chiang Mai.

Next starting dates:
Courses in Berlin:
· February 2024:
Sat 24 & Sun 25, 11:00 - 17:00 daily
· April 2024:
Sa 27 & Su 28, 11:00 - 17:00 daily
· August 2024:
Sat 03 & Sun 04, 11:00 - 17:00 daily
· November 2024:
Sat 02 & Sun 03, 11:00 - 17:00 daily
· January 2025:
Sa 11 & Su 12, 11:00 - 17:00 daily
It's very nice that I have learned a lot in your School Thai Hand Berlin... also I had enjoyed my Aroma Theraphy course.. Thank you to my effective mentors Jorge and Melanie who taught me many useful technics of massage ... more power! Maria Zolita Estrella
I have attended the Essential Oil course with Jorge and I am very satisfied. I am really glad I have found this school and Jorge, he is very nice and passionate about his work!!! Now practice!!!! I recommend to everyone, great experience! Francesca Carbone - Berlin