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ITM Thai Hand Berlin member of WMF
Thai Hot Herbal Compress Massage Course

















Prerequisites: none


  • A therapeutic hot herbal compress massage Thay style will be learned with bundles that are steamed and pressed on the body. In traditional Thai medicine, herbs are used to complement massages that treat illnesses. This herbal hot compress massage increases blood circulation and energy flow, relaxes, warms, releases tension, relieves stiff muscles and joints, eases chronic pain and reduces mental fatigue and stress.

  • Compresses contain a combination of traditional Thai herbs, wrapped in bundles. The bundles are heated in a steamer to release the beneficial alkaloids in the herbs. The warm bundles are then applied to the skin directly or through the clients massage clothes. Compresses are used to relieve sprains, strains on muscles or tendons, stiffness in the joints or inflamation. Herbal compresses can also be used to aid in the circulation of the blood. It is possiible to use herbal compresses with other massage modalities.
    Thai therapists use herbal compresses on the joints in order to soften and looses the connections between bones and increase mobility before major stretching. Also, use of the compresses on the abdomen can encourage digestion and stimulate the organs.
    According to traditional Thai energetics, hot temperatures increase energy flow, improve circulation, relax muscles and stimulate nerves.
    Also, the aroma therapeutic effects of the herbs used in the hot compresses should not be undervalued. Many of these herbs have a balancing effect on the mind and spirit, and provide clients with a soothing reduction of stress. All of the herbs also possess properties which clear out congestion of the lungs and sinuses, and application of hot compresses to the chest and throat can be a wonderful way to kick a cold.

  • Upon completion students will be able to perform an effective 1 to 2 hours Thai Hot Herbal Compress Massage.

  • Read more about Thai Hot Herbal Compress Massage here.


Costs €390,- (incl: didactic material, tuition and Thai Hand Berlin certification)
Internationally diploma after successful completion of the course


>>> For our courses BOOK HERE <<<




















Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin is a traditional health center that offers professional courses, classes, workshops, treatments and retreats. Students receive internationally recognized certifications. ITM Thai Hand is internationally accredited and also located in Amsterdam and Chiang Mai.

Next starting dates:


Intensive courses in Berlin:

Includes: didactic materials,

 tuition in English, German and Spanish, international

certification and 2 original Thai herbal compresses for your own practice!
















































































































































































ITM Thai Hand International Training Massage School Berlin
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