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PILATES meets Traditional Thai Yoga Massage
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After the previous successful experience working together Berliner Pilates and ITM Thai Hand Berlin introduce to you a new joint workshop: "PILATES meets Traditional Thai Yoga Massage".
A new 4-hour- workshop starting at 3 p.m. on (to be scheduled in 2015) - € 49,- p/p (includes a tea-break with fruit and snacks).
A dynamic and intensive Pilates workout on the Mat using the Mini Stability Ball in combination with the Traditional Thai Yoga Massage.
The Mini Stability Ball adds a new flowing dynamic to the regular Matwork routine and promotes Mindful movements. By focusing on a correct breathing technique these exercises aim to improve mobility of spine, hips and shoulder, activate your core muscles and relieve negative tension coming from daily life.
The workshop will be teached in the STOTT PILATES Method, one of the seafest and most effective contemporary approach to the original method pionered by Joseph Pilates.
Thai massage is considered to be preventive and therapeutic. It benefits all those who want to preserve a good state of health and a high level of well-being. Through conscious breathing the body is stimulated within and externally. When it is regularly received the nervous-, respiratory-, circulatory-, digestive- and immune systems will be improved. Thai massage diminishes stress, relaxes tension areas in the whole body and boosts the energy level. Also, it raises self-esteem, helps to digest, attacks insomnia, increases flexibility, releases physical and energetic blockades and harmonises the psychosomatic relation.
In the second part of this workshop you will learn how good is this ancient therapeutic technique to boost your immune system, to get more energy and to improve the flexibility of your body.
For the Pilates workout: Deborah Degano - STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor - Matwork level 1&2.
Traditional Thai-Yoga-Massage: Jorge Márquez Graffigna - Certified Teacher ITM Thai Hand Berlin
Bookings only per email with prepayment of total amount by bank transfer (no refund policy).
The workshop will be held in English
Buchungen sind ausschliesslich per E-Mail möglich und im Zusammenhang mit Vorrauszahlung per Überweisung gültig (bei Nichtteilnahme keine Rückerstattung)
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