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Why Traditional Thai massage therapist is one of the best job of the future with more demand?

Why Traditional Thai massage therapist is one of the best job of the future with more demand? Jobless? Time for a career change? Become now with us a massage therapist, the

most demanded job of the future! Why? It is scientifically proven that due to

daily use of technology, internet and smart phones, we move less. Therefore

we are more prone to ailments. Neck pain, back pain and fatigue are some

of the health problems caused using computers, tablets or smart phones. The more we use technology, the less we move and the more ailments we have, therefore the more demand of massage therapists, to treat but also to prevent these ailments. Did you know that physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of death globally? The World Health Organization (WHO) states that inactivity is causing an estimated 3.2 million deaths globally. Sitting will kill you Our body is made to move. The early human beings were fit and constantly moving being physically active to survive, to collect food, to shelter, to escape from danger. Nowadays, many years later our body is almost the same as that of the early human being, but our lifestyle changed a lot: We are much more physically inactive. Some less than others, but due to internet we sit too much which can be harmful for our health. We shop online, instead of going walking around searching on the streets the goods we need. We use a (smart)phone to connect to our friends and family instead of walking by just to see if someone is around. Most of us know that typing too much can cause repetitive strain injury, looking down at a screen of any device causes pain in the neck and sitting too long causes too much pressure on the spine. These ailments might not sound too serious, but if you don’t change your behavior it can causes long term damage. Even worse, sitting can kill you in the end. Inactivity causes: Weakening of the heart and lungs, damage of our immune system (the lymphatic system cannot move the waste), lack of calcium of the bones, weakening of muscles and stiffness of the joints etc. The World Health Organization (WHO) states in one of their recently studies that moderate intensity physical activity – such as walking, cycling, or participating in sports – has significant benefits for health. For instance, it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, colon and breast cancer, and depression. Moreover adequate levels of physical activity will decrease the risk of a hip or vertebral fracture and help control weight. Massage is demanded To improve our health, scientist nowadays look at ancient techniques rather than modern technology. Like this year’s Nobel Prize Winner Youyou who studied a cure of malaria monks used about 2500 years ago. We could also look to ancient techniques to balance the lack of movement in our modern society, like using the 2500 year old technique of Traditional Thai Therapy Massage. This therapy massage based on moving the whole body is different than other massages, because both masseur and client are constantly moving. Nowadays Traditional Thai Therapy Massage based in manipulation of the joints, acupressure along the muscles, stretching the muscles, is becoming more well known as a treatment in regular western medicine. But in Thailand it is already used for centuries in hospitals to decrease the waiting lists and people incorporated this type of massage in their daily life with enormous health results. Sociologists predict that use of smart phones and other internet devices will increase and therefore massage therapists will be more and more demanded in the future! Interested in a massage career? Get to us for more information

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